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Mindfulness Workshops 

Mindfulness Workshop Badge

We offer three types of engaging and interactive mindfulness workshops:


- One for primary school children: a popular choice for mental health awareness week

- The second workshop is specifically designed for Year 6 children and includes effective practices that can be used during the exam period to manage stress and anxiety.

- The third workshop is for teachers and is offered either in person or online. This is ideal for staff training days.


A typical 2 hour workshop for teachers includes:

-an introduction to mindfulness and the benefits for teachers & children.

-mindfulness for children with SEN

- introducing mindfulness to children (step-by-step)

- creative practices for teachers and children that can be incorporated into the school day

- how to set up a calm corner in your setting

- calming activities to help children focus & feel centred.

- resources /videos included.

Please do get in touch if you would like further information on this.

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